
Report: Border Patrol Detained 21 Individuals Suspected of Child Sexual Predation in Less Than Two Months at a Lone Texas Sector

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Immigration Life Opinion

Public Image on X: @USBPChiefDRT

Acting Chief Patrol Agent of the Del Rio sector, Juan Bernal announced over the weekend that nearly two dozen child sex predators had been apprehended at one border sector alone in under two months.

Bernal posted mugshots of 21 individuals who were apprehended at the Del Rio sector since the start of the fiscal year on October 1st.

“In less than two months, Del Rio Sector agents have apprehended 21 convicted sex offenders attempting to enter the country illegally,” he shared on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Due to the hard work and dedication of our agents, these dangerous individuals were not able to enter our country.”

The Border Patrol poster accompanying his post indicates that the criminals arrested have been accused of wide-ranging heinous crimes against children – including rape, sexual assault, and sodomy of minors.

RELATED: Eight Republicans Help Democrats Kill Effort To Impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas

21 Child Sex Predators Apprehended At The Border

News that 21 child sex predators had been apprehended at one border location alone in just weeks left social media users aghast.

“21 in about two months in one sector,” wrote Legal Insurrection journalist Mary Chastain. “Geez.”

“They purposely put American citizens and our children in grave danger,” added former congressional candidate Liz Joy.

Others openly wondered: If 21 were caught at the border, how many managed to escape?

“And how many weren’t caught? This is a historical dereliction of duty by our President,” seethed Texas congressman Dan Crenshaw (R).

“I wonder how many more of these sickos were able to cross illegally and evade capture? Millions of gotaways…” added DeSantis Rapid Response director Christina Pushaw.

Indeed, the Biden administration has allowed upwards of 2 million “gotaways” to vanish into the country since the President took office by some estimates.

You don’t have to take our word for it being a staggering number of people who have gotten away. Even DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted that over 600,000 illegal “gotaways” have escaped into the country this fiscal year alone.

If they caught 21 child sex predators at one location alone in under two months, how many of the 600,000 that got away this past year were also predators? Probably more than you’d like to know.

RELATED: Biden Surrenders to Invasion: Feds Will Release Illegal Aliens With No Court Date or Ability to Track Them

Why Aren’t Democrats Doing Crying Photo-Ops?

The silence coming from the left on these child sex predators coming across the border has been deafening. Remember when they were outraged that former President Donald Trump dared to suggest some illegal immigrants crossing the border might be criminals and rapists?

Turns out he was right.

Where is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)? Why isn’t she doing a photo op crying at the border for the children?

Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) blasted Democrats for not taking border safety seriously and putting the American people – and their children – at risk.

“And Democrats dismiss concern about migrant-magnet policies as ‘crocodile tears,’” he scoffed.

News of the 21 child sex predators being apprehended at one singular location at the border comes just weeks after eight Republicans joined Democrats in killing a motion to pursue impeachment of Mayorkas.

Mayorkas, critics contend, has overseen the worst crisis at the border that this nation has ever seen.

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